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The security sector is very sensitive, difficult and demanding. Training the security attendant requires a complete training cycle. Rules of conduct - what the English call protocol - A first aid, self defense, explosive training, weapons training, tactical route planning, are some of the items a comprehensive security attendant training should include.

As we are used to saying, the official security session should have such training as it can behave like a 'lord' and if the occasion calls for it, rescue the ambush, the person. The security session needs to know what to do and when to do it. One step ahead, always out of danger and escalates according to risk. At VIP ACADEMY - EXTENDED DIAMOND TACTICAL SELF PROTECTION / CLOSE PROTECTION you have the opportunity to train in either school groups or even individually.

We specialize in designing customized safety courses that meet your needs. We can provide you with special safety lessons depending on your level of training or additional needs that arise in your job as a security attendant.

For security companies we provide special training seminars to improve the security services of organizations, sites and individuals that provide their clients.

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